To conform or not to conform? Is that the DESIGN question?

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I actively work to be knowledgable regarding which design styles are trending. On Instagram, I follow accounts sharing design inspiration for logos, print collateral, and websites. And, I also watch youtube videos of other designers talking about predictions for what will be most popular next.

This morning I came across a video about the most popular trends for 2019 in graphic design littered with belittling comments about how they'll be staying away from these ideas JUST because they are trending. Other commenters lament with disdain that these will be what their clients force them to create. Is all this sputtering necessary? Come on guys really?...

Maybe it's because I use design as a means of connection or maybe I just feel that design shouldn't feel elitist. Either way, if designs are trending, there is typically a good reason. It's fresh or a little different - and it's working.

What's so wrong with clients being drawn to things that are popular? I say there is nothing wrong. Our role as designers is to help our clients make their voice heard visually. And if that means a particular font style or layout - so be it.